Monday, August 17, 2009

Visit the new Web Page:!

Well, it is finally done! 
The new web page for Neck Junk is 
up and running.
There are only a few items on the products page
at this moment, but more will be added often till we get
it filled up.
The web site can be used to buy product.
You can check out through a SAFE Paypal 
Checkout System using Debit, Credit, or Paypal
for payment. It is that easy!
If you have any questions hollar at me 
on the email and I will get right back to ya.
Email for Neck Junk business
is now:
How easy is that? Pretty dang easy.
So do it! Take a peek at the web site and let 
me know what you think. Be honest!
I will be waiting..............

This piece is for sale on
This piece as well.....
Do you happen to recognise the gentleman in the photo diggin' on the neck junk? Check back for the next post for the reveal of the answer.... think celebrity!
This Customer's Eye Makeup is beautiful!
Sorry for the glare from the light, but we wanted 
you to see our new show setup at 
the Dallas Comic Con.
Thanks for looking and we look forward to your feedback on the web page!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Neck Junk in Dallas Texas at Comic Con

Have you ever been to a comic book convention?
Well, we never had.... til today!
We are in Dallas Texas at
Here are a few quick pics for you.... more to come soon...

Can you believe that Wonder Woman knocked
Rhonda down
to take her Neck Junk????